Help plan how city funds will be spent on your local park


Join a Parks Pocket!

This past January, the City of Philadelphia announced that a portion of its first Opioid Settlement Funds would be invested in Kensington. The city has marked money for Kensington parks, schools, and programs to keep people in their homes. It has also pledged to follow the community-driven planning process described on this website to determine how the funds will be spent.

Now we are at an exciting moment! Six Kensington parks have been chosen to receive money from the Opioid Settlement Funds. Parks groups are inviting neighbors to attend one or more of these public meetings to help plan the changes you want to see at your local parks!

  • Trenton & Auburn Playground and Park
    Disney-Nichols AME Church, 2838 Tulip St, or by Zoom
    Thursday, June 22, 6:30 PM, repeating the fourth Thursday of every month

  • Hope Park
    3035 A St
    Monday, June 26, 5:30 PM

  • McPherson Square
    McPherson Square Branch Library, 601 E Indiana Ave
    Tuesday, June 27, 5:30 PM
    Can’t make it to the meeting? Complete this survey

  • Harrowgate Park
    3455 Kensington Ave
    Wednesday, June 28, 5:30 PM
    Can’t make it to the meeting? Complete this survey

  • Scanlon Playground
    1099 E Venango St
    Thursday, June 29, 5:30 PM

  • Hissey Playground
    400 E Indiana Ave
    Friday, June 30, 5:30 PM

For more information about any of these meetings, contact (English) or (Español).

More pockets are coming!

By bringing together different groups across Kensington, and asking each group to set priorities for our neighborhood, we can understand together what Kensington residents want for our own community.

The goal is to include as many neighbors as possible in planning the future of Kensington. This information is essential for city, state and nonprofit organizations who want to support Kensington with projects and investments.

Soon we will be posting a toolkit that Kensington residents can use to plan with a pocket that you join or create. We will announce on this blog, by email and through social media from Impact, NKCDC and other partnering organizations. If you’re in Kensington, we invite you to get a local neighborhood group you’re part of to sign up as a pocket for the ongoing planning process.

Stay in the loop for a toolkit that you can use to plan with a pocket that you join or create.


On May 16, Philly will pick a candidate for mayor (and other important positions)